The activities we use to help you solve your problem vary for our strategy, product/service and marketing/campaign sprints. For every client, we build a schedule that’ll help you best meet the challenges you face.

What do we do in a strategy sprint?

Strategy sprints help you answer the question “What should we do?”
Mon Setting objectives, market scanning and mapping, probing for strengths and weaknesses in the way your organisation creates value.
Tue Developing programmes/ideas we might want to pursue.
Wed Selecting the programmes to take forward.
Thu Developing plans for each programme.
Fri Building a presentation/story to tell your organisation.
Outcome: A strategic plan, with outline activities and responsibilities agreed for each item.

What do we do in a product or service design sprint?

Product or service design sprints help you answer questions about how you can get competitive advantage by serving your customers better.
Mon Setting objectives, understanding user needs, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the existing product in meeting those needs.
Tue Looking for inspiration, sketching new solutions
Wed Agreeing what we want to test and storyboarding it.
Thu Creating a prototype to test.
Fri Testing the prototype with users, getting their feedback and, based on that, agreeing what do to next.
Outcome: A tested prototype for the product or service, with enough feedback from users to be able to make a decision about next steps.

What do we do in a marketing or campaign sprint?

Marketing or campaign sprints help you answer questions how to communicate with your audiences, so they are more likely to take action.
Mon Setting objectives, understanding users’ views on the products/issues at hand, examining other responses to similar challenges.
Tue Developing messaging, creative ideas, ideas for channel use and timing.
Wed Storyboarding our best ideas into a single campaign or campaigns to test.
Thu Creating prototype materials for the test.
Fri Testing the campaign materials with the target audience, gathering feedback and agreeing next steps.
Outcome: A multi-channel timing plan for your campaign, with core messages and assets tested with your target audience.

If you want to get started:

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